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Mommy Hang Out

During my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  My husband was very supportive to keep my blood sugars under control. He was very careful to shop for healthy groceries. He has always been a healthy food conscious shopper anyways but he was super conscious about it during my pregnancy. During my first visit at the diabetes clinic at the Women's Hospital, I started chatting with another expectant mommy in the waiting room. We exchanged contacts because we seemed to enjoy chatting. We met up once after our babies were born and gave each other baby gifts. We also exchanged diapers and a baby outfit.  During our next meet up, I am getting us bubble tea to celebrate that we have no diabetes now! I am grateful to make a new friend in such an unexpected environment; the diabetes clinic.

Pork Chops with Onions and Tomatoes

First, I pan fried the pork chop two minutes each side and then 1.5 minute longer to ensure it is cooked. I did not use oil as I used a copper non-stick pan. Then, I threw in the tomatoes and onions to cook in the pork chop juice/oil.

Leftover Soy Sauce Chicken with Preserved Veggies with Vermicelli

Today, I used the leftover soy sauce chicken sauce to cover my vermicelli. I also added Chinese "Xue Quai" preserved vegetables for extra flavour. It was yummy.

Kale Dish and Salmon Dish

Tonight, I stir fried garlic with kale. Then, I baked salmon with garlic, dijon mustard, lemon juice, dried parsley and olive oil. "clear: both; text-align: center;">

Soy Sauce Chicken

My mom and baby and I had the Subway Melts for lunch because we had a coupon for them.  For dinner, I made soy sauce chicken tonight. I had leftover onions, carrot and tomato so they were thrown in there. So this was how I cooked it. I first use oil to fry up the minced garlic,  ginger and onion to get the flavour out. Then, I threw in the chicken drum sticks, added some light soy sauce and a teaspoon of dark soy sauce. I added a cup of water and waited until the mixture boiled. Then, I threw in the tomato and carrot and boiled everything for five minutes. I had to flip the drum sticks over at the three minute mark. Finally, I simmered the pot for around 15 minutes and it is ready.

Steaming Two Dishes

Today, after my new friend and her 5 month old baby went home, I took advantage of my pot that has a steamer on top. I steamed broccoli on top and then steamed a common Cantonese dish that has salted duck egg, chicken eggs, marinated minced pork with green onions, on the bottom steamer.  I put the timer on for five minutes. Once it boils, I loosen the lid so steam is released. Then, I continue to steam with the loose lid. That is the trick to get the egg smooth and soft. I will show the results in a bit.

My Late Dad Made This

Today, for lunch, I made a sandwich with scrambled eggs, bacon and tomato. My late dad used to make this for me as breakfast. My dad was an amazing cook.